The Great Debate: Data Center ContainersThe Great Debate: Data Center Containers
Video: Leading data center technologists discuss the merits of data center containers versus traditional brick and mortar data centers.
January 6, 2009
Last year Intel convened several events in which leading data center technologists debated some of the hot-button issues that divide the community, and has published the videos. These "great debate" panels are lengthy, but explore these issues in greater depth than is possible in a brief blog item. We'll be presenting one debate each day this week. Our series begins with an Aug. 18 discussion on the merits of data center containers versus traditional brick and mortar data centers. Panel members making the case for containers include Jud Cooley of Sun Microsystems, Conor Malone from Rackable Systems and Microsoft's Daniel Costello. The "bricks and mortar" features Sigurd Anderson of IDC Architects, Bruce Myatt of Critical Facilities Solutions, and Phil Reese, a research computing strategist at Stanford University. This video runs about one hour.
For additional video, check out our DCK video archive and the Data Center Videos channel on YouTube.
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