ISC 10: A Closer Look at a Blue Waters NodeISC 10: A Closer Look at a Blue Waters Node
In a video from ISC 10, Thom Dunning from NCSA provides a look at one of the nodes that will power Blue Waters, the powerful supercomputer housed at the new National Petascale Computing Facility at the University of Illinois.
June 3, 2010
The team behind ISC 10 has been putting together daily video blogs from the supercomputing conference in Heidelberg, Germany. Today's installment features a treat for hardware enthusiasts: Thom Dunning from NCSA provides a look at one of the nodes that will power Blue Waters, the powerful supercomputer housed at the new National Petascale Computing Facility at the University of Illinois. The NCSA segment begins at about 3:45 into the video. In other highlights, video blog hosts John Shalf of NERSC and Heike Jagode from the University of Tennessee talk with Jack Dongarra about exascale software, and Stuttgart Supercomputing Chief Michael Resch gives his views on the conference.
For more coverage of information about supercomputing, check out our High Performance Computing Channel. For additional video, check out our DCK video archive and the Data Center Videos channel on YouTube.
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