Microsoft's Data Center EvolutionMicrosoft's Data Center Evolution
Microsoft has released a video providing an overview of its global cloud computing platform and the data centers that power it. The video features the most detailed video yet of the new "Generation 4" data center at Quincy, Washington.
July 26, 2011
Serious Server Density: Packed racks of servers in an IT-PAC at the new Microsoft data center in Quincy, Washington (Photo: Microsoft Corp.)
Microsoft has released a video providing an overview of its global cloud computing platform and the data centers that power it. The video begins with a big-picture overview of Microsoft's cloud operations, and how the company's 200 cloud services reach more than a billion customers and 20 million businesses in over 70 countries. The video then provides a closer look at how the company's data center design has evolved from its first "Generation 2" data center in Quincy, Washington and the "Generation 3" container-driven facilities in Chicago and Dublin Ireland. The video closes with the most detailed video yet of the new "Generation 4" site at Quincy, which uses a lightweight structure and next-generation IT-PACs (pre-assembled components).
For more on Microsoft's data center operations, see our Microsoft Channel. For additional video, check out our DCK video archive and the Data Center Videos channel on YouTube.
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