Backup: Tape vs. OnlineBackup: Tape vs. Online
November 3, 2011
The tape vs. online backup debate is the theme of this whitepaper from Sungard. In their continuing series examining data center strategies the authors bring a straight forward explanation of this argument as well as providing insight for the forward thinking IT professional.
In a practical way they make an extremely important point. “ While compliance and headline-grabbing disasters are often credited for increased focus on business continuity, the truth remains that IT staffs must solve more common, everyday issues if they are going to maintain optimum data availability.” This is truth indeed in an era of data proliferation.
In a simple 5 bullet chart they outline what the leading problems of traditional tape backup are as well as their causes. However, much more is offered, in particular it provides a list of features to look for in online back up as well how to evaluate potential vendors.
Entitled, “The Dollars and Sense of Online Backup” this concise whitepaper offers both a compelling argument and practical advice.
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