Friday Funny: Another Cartoon Caption ContestFriday Funny: Another Cartoon Caption Contest
It’s Friday, so it’s time for our Friday Funny Caption Contest here on Data Center Knowledge! This week: coffee in the data center.
November 4, 2011
It’s Friday, so it’s time for our Friday Funny Caption Contest here on Data Center Knowledge!
Our winner for last week's caption contest was Lori MacVittie who submitted: "I don't think that's what the boss meant when he said he wanted us to be in the cloud, Kip," for the cartoon drawn by Diane Alber, our resident data center cartoonist.
Thanks for all the submissions and to all our readers who voted on the final choices. This week, we are asking for submissions on a new cartoon below.
Cartoon background: Many people have commented on how Kip and Gary really shouldn’t be drinking coffee in the data center, we are well aware of that rule, but unfortunately (or fortunately for a humor spot?), Kip and Gary aren’t. Today, they discovered a sign that was recently put up by facilities, and now they are just confused. We provide the cartoon, drawn by Diane, and you, the reader, submit captions. We will then choose three finalists and you will have a chance to vote on your favorite. The winner will receive their caption in a signed print by Diane!
For more of Diane's work, visit
Another Cartoon Caption Contest
Click to enlarge image.Submit your captions in our comments section.
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