Friday Funny: Cartoon Caption Contest (February 2012 Update)Friday Funny: Cartoon Caption Contest (February 2012 Update)
It’s Friday! Time for another cartoon caption contest. Readers provide funny captions for the drawing by Diane Alber, the Arizona artist who created those loveable data center pros, Kip and Gary.
February 3, 2012
It’s Friday! Are you ready? Diane Alber, the Arizona artist who created Kip and Gary, has a new cartoon for Data Center Knowledge’s cartoon caption contest. We challenge our readers to submit a funny caption for the blank bubble. Please add your thoughts in the comments below. Then, next week, our readers will vote for the best submission.
Our winner for last week’s caption contest was Juan Garcia who submitted:"Didn't they tell you? Power was restored hours ago.” Congrats to Juan! We will contact you and make sure you get a signed print of the cartoon from the artist.
Thanks to all our readers who submitted very funny captions, and thanks to those who voted on the final captions. This week, we are asking for submissions on a new cartoon below. Diane writes, "I’ve heard numerous stories about how people find everything under the raised floor so I couldn’t help but draw a comic were you decide what Kip discovers under the floor!"
Click image for larger view.
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