Atlantic.Net Launches First International Data Center in UK

Takes space in Infinity's Slough facility to lower latency for European customers

Nicole Henderson, Contributor

September 16, 2015

2 Min Read
Atlantic.Net Launches First International Data Center in UK
Infinity’s data center in Slough (Photo: Infinity



This article originally appeared at The WHIR

SSD cloud hosting provider Atlantic.Net has launched its first international data center on Tuesday, partnering with Infinity to enable customers to launch cloud servers in its Slough, UK, data center.

The data center will offer lower latency for Atlantic.Net’s customers in Europe, Marty Puranki, founder, president and CEO of Atlantic.Net tells the WHIR in an interview. “[A European data center] is something our customers have been asking for so we’re happy to do it,” he said.

Puranki said that Atlantic.Net expects Europe to account for about one-third of its customer base.

“What happens is we have European customers that haven’t brought all their workloads over to us or they’ve signed up and they aren’t using our service, they are waiting for us to open in Europe,” he said. “We think it’s going to be a pretty big deal for our business because it’s such a large part of the market.”

The UK infrastructure is Atlantic.Net’s sixth data center. The company has data centers in the US and Canada as well. Customer support will continue to be based in the US, which won’t be a problem for European customers, Puranki said, since it is 24/7.

Initially European customers will be able to spin up virtual machines in its UK data center, but eventually everything that is available in its US and Canadian data centers will be available there, made easier with its platform that on a “go-forward basis” will allow the company to roll out new services in the US and then in the UK as well.

Puranki said that in addition to partnering with Infinity for the data center, the company has launched agreements with EU Networks and Cogent for Internet.

He said that while the UK data center has been in the works for quite a while, there were a lot of things that slowed the company down in the short term, such as compliance, importing into the UK, and getting registered for VAT taxes to be able to collect them from its customers.

Puranki said Atlantic.Net has its eyes on an Asian expansion, a cloud market that is expanding as more enterprises get comfortable with hosting their infrastructure in the cloud.

Earlier this year, Atlantic.Net launched HIPAA compliant hosting services.

This first ran at

About the Author

Nicole Henderson

Contributor, IT Pro Today

Nicole Henderson covers daily cloud news and features online for ITPro Today. Prior to ITPro Today, she was editor at Talkin' Cloud (now Channel Futures) and the WHIR. She has a bachelor of journalism from Ryerson University in Toronto.

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