Data-Driven Government: Open Data in NYCData-Driven Government: Open Data in NYC
In this video Chief Digital Officer for the City of New York Rachel Sterne says access to technology, open government, engagement with citizens and industry, are the city's digital priorities.
October 13, 2011
Chief Digital Officer for the City of New York Rachel Sterne presents to the gathering at O'Reilly's Strata Conference in September in New York City. She is a data scientist for the city and leading the city's progress on its "digital road map" recently released. In this video, Sterne says the city is focusing on: access to technology, open government, and engagement with citizens and industry. For example, the city has more than 1 million web pages on numerous domains and 200+ social media channels. In addition to this "digital switchboard" to get resources to citizens, the city is working to encourage developers to build apps that draw from open government data. The video runs about 18 minutes.
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