Cloudera Updates Enterprise Hadoop PlatformCloudera Updates Enterprise Hadoop Platform
Cloudera, DDN and MapR all have big data announcements, rolled out at the O'Reilly Strata Conference in Santa Clara.
February 27, 2013
The O'Reilly Strata Conference is underway this week in Santa Clara, and Cloudera, DDN and MapR all have big data announcements. The Strata Conference online conversation can be followed on the Twitter hashtag #Strataconf.
Cloudera Enterprise evolves. Cloudera announced the next evolution of its platform for big data, Cloudera Enterprise, designed to meet and exceed enterprise business continuity and compliance requirements and simplify integration with existing data management systems. New advancements in the Enterprise platform include Cloudera Navigator, Cloudera Enterprise BDR (Backup and Disaster Recovery), along with version 4.5 of the company's market-leading management interface, Cloudera Manager. "The market has reached an important milestone," said Mike Olson, CEO of Cloudera. "There is now a wave of mainstream enterprise interest in the integration of Apache Hadoop into existing IT environments. At Cloudera, our experience -- our large installed base includes more than half the Fortune 100 -- gives us a clear understanding of enterprise requirements. With the new enhancements announced today, we offer customers the most advanced, most mature business-ready solution capable of supporting critical enterprise data and systems management needs."
DDN launches hScaler appliance. DataDirect Networks (DDN) announced the hScaler appliance, an Apache Hadoop platform for big data with integration and flexibility optimized specifically for the enterprise. As an enterprise appliance the hScaler features a plug-and-play experience with a single-pane-of-glass management interface to simplify monitoring of the entire Hadoop infrastructure. It combines high throughput shared storage, powered by DDN’s Storage Fusion Architecture (SFA) capabilities, and a high performance server framework. It leverages the SFA12K platform, a 40GB/s InfiniBand storage appliance that crunches big data with 1.4M sustained SSD IOPS in real-time. “DDN’s hScaler appliance represents the next step forward in the democratization of big data. It takes an advanced analytics solution that was economical for only the richest and most information-driven organizations in the world and puts it well within the grasp of enterprise CIOs," said Jean-Luc Chatelain, Executive Vice President of Strategy and Technology, DDN. "For enterprises seeking to maximize the value of their information, hScaler technology presents an opportunity to do so at a lower cost — in terms of time, money, and resources — than ever before.”
MapR sets MinuteSort record. MapR Technologies announced a new world record for MinuteSort, sorting 15 billion 100-byte records (a total of 1.5 trillion bytes) in 60 seconds using Google Compute Engine and the MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop. The benchmark, often referred to as the World Cup of data sorting, demonstrates how quickly data can be sorted starting and ending on disks. The benchmark was completed on 2,103 virtual instances in the Google Compute Engine. Each virtual instance consisted of four virtual cores and one virtual disk, for a total of 8,412 virtual cores and 2,103 virtual disks. “The record is significant because it represents a total efficiency improvement executed in a cloud environment,” said Jack Norris, VP of marketing, MapR Technologies. “In an era where information is increasing by tremendous leaps, being able to quickly scale to meet data growth with high performance makes business analytics a reality in situations previously impossible.”
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