Cordys Enables Cloud Brokerage For Telcos, Service Providers

Cordys believes its diverse platform of services form the ideal platform to help businesses transition to the new cloudy world. Cordys helps companies move from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to providing a Platform as a Service (PaaS) and serving as a cloud broker of partner services offered atop that platform.

Jason Verge

March 12, 2013

4 Min Read
Cordys Enables Cloud Brokerage For Telcos, Service Providers

Cordys believes its diverse platform of services form the ideal platform to help businesses transition to the new cloudy world. Cordys helps companies move from Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) to providing a Platform as a Service (PaaS) and serving as a cloud broker of partner services offered atop that platform. Companies like Savvis and Clouditalia have used Cordys to transform their businesses.

In short, Cordys provides a platform on which a telecom or systems integrator can build a cloud business. It provides the lego-like building blocks, and you build your castle (or Death Star, depending on your predilections). It enables IT collaboration, and supports any type of workflow.

Technically speaking, Cordys is a global Business Process Management System (BPMS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) software vendor. It’s a single-stack business operations platform that bridges three seemingly disconnected worlds: Business Process Management (BPM), SOA integration, and Composite Applications Development. By providing a composite application framework (CAF), it serves to enable three major groups of potential cloud broker providers: telcos, systems integrators, and new dedicated cloud providers.

Moving Up The Cloud Value Chain

That's an acronym-rich way of saying that Cordys allows customers to move up the cloud value chain.

“The market is changing," said Art Landro, CEO of Cordys. "You see the adoption of cloud and cloud brokers. We have a huge solution. It increases the flexibility and functionality of current infrastructure and data.”

Managed hosting provider Savvis started using Cordys as an on-premises tool to provision their internal requirements in its data centers. It soon realized that it could use the technology to extend that model to value-added services.

The best example, Landro says, is telco providers. “Telecoms have been commoditized to just supplying the pipe,” said Landro. “We now provide them a provisioning tool where telcos can be more than just pipe. They can offer highly privatized services – building block services out to customers.

“It’s a platform that encapsulates all the good elements of existing ERP 'behind the scenes' and at the same time makes use of all that Internet has to offer as the 'front end',” said Landro. “That is the Cordys solution, which reuses structured business logic together with the unstructured information to establish flexible business processes and operations that can be continuously optimized and improved, faster and quicker than ever.”

One Telco's Story

Clouditalia is using Cordys to create a service platform atop its existing server and network infrastructure, evolving its business from traditional telecom services to becoming a PaaS and SaaS provider. Clouditalia used the Cordys platform to enable them to broker SaaS, IaaS and telecom services, create new cloud based products and take their customers to the cloud.

Mark de Simone, the CEO of Clouditalia, credits Cordys as the engine that helped Clouditalia transform its business, flipping the model on its head. Traditionally, the telecom provider wants the client relationship, with the partner in the back. In the Cordys model, the partner handles the relationship for services offered on Clouditalia’s PaaS platform - which provides those partners with access to the telco's 30,000 business clients.

“You need to create lego blocks,” said de Simone. "We’ve made it easy by creating replicable processes atop of Cordys. Examples of replicable processes are internet banking processes, credit card closing processes, linking to social networks – generally making it simple for people regardless of whether they’re business developers, service developers or even enterprises. They have created a repository of these."

Within a month of its launch, Clouditalia had an ecosystem of 600 partners and integrators. “I’ll give you a piece of the action on the app, the infrastructure as a service, and the network," said de Simone. "I’ll deliver all three to you and you don’t have to take a euro out of the bank because all you’re getting is a share of my revenues. For how long? Forever.”

Speaking of the telecom world in general, “We should not be the titanic – we shouldn’t be changing the deck chairs, we should be doing something completely different,” de Simone said. “We have to change the model or there will not be any value.”

Cordys' flagship product, the Business Operations Platform, helps organizations improving business operations by leveraging new process oriented solutions and services from the cloud, while respecting existing enterprise software. Cordys is unique in its approach by having one single platform for deployment on premise or in the cloud.

Cordys is a completely integrated and open platform based on state of the art SOA architecture. Cordys is a single-stack business operations platform that bridges several things: it’s a business process management suite (BPMS), enterprise service bus-SOA based integration platform, and a composite application framework.

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