Emerging Tech to Help Guard Against the Malevolence of Cloud Outages

From the outermost edge of extreme networks to the center of the energy vortex, emerging technologies are set to permanently end cloud outages. Will they eventually eradicate the clouds, too?

Pam Baker, Contributor

August 4, 2022

1 Min Read
cloud outages
Igor Stevanovic / Alamy Stock Photo

According to a recent Uptime Institute report, cloud outages are becoming more frequent. This problem is not a matter of mere inconvenience but of things far more concerning.

“Traditionally cloud outages were related to simple equipment or technical glitches,” says Talal Shamoon, CEO of Intertrust, a data trust and device identity platform provider. “But in a world of distributed data sets spanning multiple clouds with differing technologies geared at not interoperating, apps running in and across clouds written by different app providers and IoT hardware feeding sensor data to clouds, we have a Pandora’s box of issues that can make cloud outages not only more frequent but far more dangerous to companies.”

There’s no going back to simpler cloud days. The only choice is to innovate or move on to another job.

“In truth, few CIOs live to see this day [recovery after a cloud outage] and it’s partially for this reason that CIOs have one of the highest turnover rates within the C-suite,” says Ori Weizman, solution architect at Silk, a data migration platform for the cloud. “My advice is simple, if you’re given a second chance in an increasingly one-strike ballgame, don’t cut corners. Invest what you need to because an outage will always cost more down the line.”

Here's a heads up on emerging tech that aims to help you circumvent or instantly recover from cloud outages. You may want to investigate them further before finalizing your mid-term cloud management strategy.

Visit Dark Reading for a few interesting surprises.

About the Author

Pam Baker


A prolific writer and analyst, Pam Baker's published work appears in many leading publications. She's also the author of several books, the most recent of which are "Decision Intelligence for Dummies" and "ChatGPT For Dummies." Baker is also a popular speaker at technology conferences and a member of the National Press Club, Society of Professional Journalists, and the Internet Press Guild.

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