7 Key Considerations for Big Data Adoption7 Key Considerations for Big Data Adoption
As data growth has continued, these big data sets are difficult to control. This white paper illustrates the 7 important criteria to plan around when big data becomes a serious consideration for your organization.
There’s little argument that the interchange of information and data continues to increase. Large organizations are now working with more customers and end-users that all have data-related requirements. As data growth has continued to rise, many IT environments are beginning to see the pattern where these data sets were becoming very large. And, in many cases, these big data sets are difficult to control.
Let’s analyze some numbers:
According to IBM, the end-user community creates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data — so much that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone.
Every hour, Walmart controls over 1.5 million customer transactions. All of this information is transferred into a database working with close to 3 petabytes of information.
According to FICO, the Credit Card Fraud System currently in place helps protect over 2 billion accounts all over the globe.
Currently, Facebook process over 220 billion photos from its entire user base. And this number is growing by the minute.
Finally, The Economist recently pointed out that we are now able to decode the human genome in under 1 week – where it took 10 years to do so originally.
In 7 Key Considerations for Big Data Adoption, we are able to see the key points to look out for when working with large amounts of information. Big data can be a very powerful tool when that information is properly utilized, quantified and controlled.
This white paper illustrates the 7 important criteria to plan around when big data becomes a serious consideration for your organization. This means being able to answer and have an understanding around the following:
Data Warehousing.
Data Sources.
Business and IT Needs.
Data Governance.
Accountability for Insights.
Adoption Roadmap.
Service Providers.
Remember, data needs will only continue to grow. As IT consumerization gains more momentum and more user data becomes available, there will be the direct need to manage and control big data sets. Download this white paper today to understand the 7 key considerations around big data adoption.
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