Nlyte Virtualizes Data Center PDU Functions

Claims its virtual PDU does what intelligent PDU hardware does but at a fraction of the cost

Yevgeniy Sverdlik, Former Editor-in-Chief

May 26, 2016

1 Min Read
Nlyte Virtualizes Data Center PDU Functions
(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Nlyte Software launched a data center infrastructure management feature it describes as a virtual power distribution unit, or V-PDU. Available as part of its DCIM software suite, it provides many of the functions users normally get from intelligent data center PDU hardware but at 10 percent of the cost, according to the company.

Those functions include tracking historical power and energy usage, chargeback capabilities, and power-draw aggregation, among others.

The feature is another step toward virtualization of functions traditionally performed by hardware systems in data centers, according to Nlyte.

“For far too long IT and Data Center Managers have been held hostage by PDU hardware vendors,” Nlyte president and CEO, Doug Sabella, said in a statement. “I am pleased to say that those days are over. With our new V-PDU capabilities we are enabling enterprises to access vital data about energy consumption at a fraction of the price.”

Virtual PDU features, according to Nlyte:

  • Automatic calculations of historical power and energy usage

  • Ability to charge back within departments

  • Automatic aggregation of power draw on Virtual PDUs

  • 2 network ports and provisioned addresses per panel, versus 2 per cabinet

  • Support for more than 10 cabinets per panel (assuming 42 breaker panel)

  • Insight into risk at the rack level

  • Access to Nlyte Energy Optimizer (NEO) – Branch Circuit Analytics (BCA)

  • Automatic support for data center monitoring & alarming requirements

See also: Who is Winning in the DCIM Software Market?

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