The Pandemic Illuminates Value and Shortcomings of Remote Data Center Management Tools

Maria Korolov

December 14, 2020

1 Min Read
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Remote data center management tools, the cornerstone of business continuity during the COVID-19 crisis, have come a long way but continue to suffer from technology silos. In this DCK special series, Maria Korolov takes a deep dive into the state of play in this crucial area of enterprise tech.


  1. Remote Data Center Management Tools are No Longer Optional

    The pandemic has made implementation of advanced tooling in data centers a priority. Read more...

  2. Remote Data Center Management Investments Pay Off in the Pandemic

    Those who hesitated to use the technology before now have a clear picture of its value. Read more...

  3. Remote Data Center Management Tools Must Learn to Play Together

    The missing piece is preventing truly holistic, intelligent infrastructure management from emerging. Read more...

  4. Why It Will Be a While Before AI Is Managing Your Data Center

    While hyperscalers already use AI to improve operations, most other data centers aren’t integrated enough to make it work. Read more...

About the Author(s)

Maria Korolov

Maria Korolov is an award-winning technology journalist who covers cybersecurity, AI, and extended reality. She also writes science fiction.

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