A Look Inside A Microserver-Powered Data CenterA Look Inside A Microserver-Powered Data Center
What does a microserver-powered data center look like? It's pretty unusual, as seen in this video from France's Online.net, an early customer for Dell's hoster-centric microserver offerings.
March 22, 2011
What does a microserver-driven data center look like? This morning Dell's Data Center Solutions group rolled out a new line of microservers optimized for web hosting companies. Microservers provide groups of dedicated compute nodes for scenarios where multi-core CPU architecture and extensive virtualization aren't effective solutions. As Dell's microserver design evolved, one of the primary customers for its offering was Online.net, a large hosting company based in France. Each system runs one OS and app per server, has one 1 CPU per server and features 12 servers per chassis (see Barton George's blog post for more details). The end result is a data center with an unusual appearance. It takes a couple of minutes to warm up, but gets interesting at about the 1:30 mark. This video runs about 11 minutes.
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