Roundup: The Uptime Institute SymposiumRoundup: The Uptime Institute Symposium
A review of the blogosphere's coverage of the Uptime Institute Symposium on Green Enterprise Computing.
May 2, 2008
This week's Uptime Institute Symposium on Green Enterprise Computing has wrapped up, and several attendees have posted summaries of the key presentations:
Ken Oestreich from Cassatt has recaps of each of the conference's three days, including a review of Wednesday's presentations from the EPA on Energy Star initiatives for the data center, as well as the DOE's DC-Pro tool. Ken also has summaries of Day One and Day Two of the event.
Deborah Grove also writes about the EPA programs, including its initiative to gather energy efficiency information from data center operators. Deborah also blogs about a breakfast for women participating in the symposium on day two, and Ken Brill's keynote.
Ted Samson from Sustainable IT at InfoWorld blogs about six lessons learned at the symposium. "The real challenge, one shared by the 400-plus attendees at the symposium, remains figuring out how to get from inefficient Point A to efficient Point Green," Ted writes.
Dave Ohara from the Green Data Center Blog has recaps of the keynotes from Ken Brill and Microsoft's Mike Manos, as well as a fun item about a momentary detente in the container wars, as Sun's Mark Monroe tours the Rackable ICE Cube.
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