Friday Funny: Extending More Power

It’s Friday! And you know how we like to end the work week with a little humor. Our Data Center Knowledge cartoon contest is a perfect way to have a few laughs on a Friday. Submit your funniest lines for the caption!

Colleen Miller

September 6, 2013

1 Min Read
Friday Funny: Extending More Power

It’s Friday! And you know how we like to end the work week with a little humor. Our Data Center Knowledge cartoon contest is a perfect way to have a few laughs on a Friday.

Diane Alber, our data center cartoonist, writes, "Running out of power or power strips, or patch cords can be a pretty common problem. . .Let's see how Kip and Gary fix this one. . ." Submit your caption suggestions below.

Also, big congratulations to our reader JL, who submitted, "The new methane generators have arrived." for our cartoon, How Remote Do You Go?.

New to the caption contest? Here’s how it works: We provide the cartoon and you, our readers, submit the captions. We then choose finalists and the readers vote for their favorite funniest suggestion. The winner receives a hard copy print, with his or her caption included in the cartoon!



Click to enlarge graphic.

For the previous cartoons on DCK, see our Humor Channel. Please visit Diane’s website Kip and Gary for more of her data center humor.

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